Data Service

Data Collection (manually or using a scanner)

Our services range from reader surveys to explorative interviews of already completed surveys.

The quality assurance such as the plausibility and consistency checks take place already during the data collection.
Open-ended or half open-ended questions can be captured through clear text or developed code plans based on written answers.

The surveys may be conducted in different languages such as English, French, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Turkish, Czech or Polish.

The raw data set is delivered in the desired format: SPSS, ASCII, etc.

Data Evaluation

We offer the following data evaluation services for the further processing of your data:

  • Plausibility check of raw data according to predefined quotas or logical clues
  • Cross tabulations in different display formats and data formats
  • Customer-specific key data by applying formulas to the survey results
  • Statistical tests, e.g. T and Z test, Chi-square test
  • Multi-variant calculations, e.g. cluster, factor, correlation and regression analyses